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gosanke is not the gosankyo
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*''Japanese'': [[徳川]]頼房 ''(Tokugawa Yorifusa)''
*''Japanese'': [[徳川]]頼房 ''(Tokugawa Yorifusa)''
Yorifusa’s mother was [[Oman no Kata]]. He was given a 100,000 [[koku]] fief at [[Shimotzuma]] in [[Hitachi province]] as a child ([[1603]]) and in [[1621]] was given [[Mito han]], worth 350,000 koku. As a young man he was tutored by [[Nakayama Nobuyoshi|Nakayama Bizen no kami Nobuyoshi]] ([[1576]]-[[1642]]), a member of a former [[Hojo clan|Hôjô]] retainer family. Yorifusa was considered the most clever of [[Tokugawa Ieyasu|Ieyasu's]] last three sons, and a number of anecdotes involving the three of them and Ieyasu survive. Yorifusa's Mito domain became the third of the [[gosankyo|gosankyô]] houses and was destined to provide the 15th and final Tokugawa [[shogun|shôgun]], [[Tokugawa Yoshinobu|Yoshinobu]].  
Yorifusa’s mother was [[Oman no Kata]]. He was given a 100,000 [[koku]] fief at [[Shimotzuma]] in [[Hitachi province]] as a child ([[1603]]) and in [[1621]] was given [[Mito han]], worth 350,000 koku. As a young man he was tutored by [[Nakayama Nobuyoshi|Nakayama Bizen no kami Nobuyoshi]] ([[1576]]-[[1642]]), a member of a former [[Hojo clan|Hôjô]] retainer family. Yorifusa was considered the most clever of [[Tokugawa Ieyasu|Ieyasu's]] last three sons, and a number of anecdotes involving the three of them and Ieyasu survive. Yorifusa's Mito domain line became the third of the ''[[gosanke]]'' and was destined to provide the 15th and final Tokugawa [[shogun|shôgun]], [[Tokugawa Yoshinobu|Yoshinobu]].  


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