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1,017 bytes added ,  09:17, 9 October 2013
A work of calligraphy by NY-based calligraphy artist Masako Inkyo, of the opening lines of the Tale of the Heike: 祇園精舎の鐘の聲、諸行無常の響あり。娑羅雙樹の花の色、盛者必衰のことわりをあらはす。...
A work of calligraphy by NY-based calligraphy artist Masako Inkyo, of the opening lines of the [[Tale of the Heike]]:


<i>Gion shôja no kane no koe, shogyô mujô no hibiki ari. Shara sôju no hana no iro, shôsha hissui no koto wari wo arawasu. Ogoreru hito mo hisashikarazu, tada haru no yoru no yume no gotoshi. Takeki mono mo tsui ni horobinu, hitoe ni kaze no mae no akuta ni onaji.</i>

The sound of the Gion Shôja temple bells echoes the impermanence of all things; the color of the sala flowers reveals the truth that to flourish is to fall. The proud do not endure; the mighty fall at last, to be no more than dust before the wind.

Photo by [[User:LordAmeth]], 11 June 2011, on public display at [[Japan Society (New York)]]


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