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== Timeline of 1579 ==
== Timeline of 1579 ==
* 1579/5/11 Construction of [[Azuchi castle]] completed.
* 1579/5/11 Construction of [[Azuchi castle]] completed; it becomes [[Oda Nobunaga]]'s primary residence.
* 1579/5/27 [[Oda Nobunaga]] presides over the 'Azuchi Religious Debate', between the Nichiren and Jodo.
* 1579/5/27 Nobunaga presides over the '[[Azuchi Religious Debate]]', between representatives of [[Nichiren]] and [[Jodo-shu|Jôdo-shû]]. Declares Jôdo the winners, and orders three prominent Nichiren monks killed.
* 1579/6/13 [[Takenaka Hanbei]] dies.
* 1579/6/13 [[Takenaka Hanbei]] dies.
* 1579/8/29 Assassination of [[Tsukiyamadono]].
* 1579/8/29 Assassination of [[Tsukiyamadono]].


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