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*''Japanese/Okinawan'': 浦添極楽山 ''(Urasoe youdore)''

Urasoe yôdore, located in a cave on a cliff to the northeast<ref name=compact>"Urasoe yôdore." ''[ Okinawa Konpakuto Jiten]'' (沖縄コンパクト事典, "Okinawa Compact Encyclopedia"). Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 March 2003. Accessed 25 September 2009.</ref> of [[Urasoe castle]] on [[Okinawa]], is a mausoleum housing the remains of three rulers of the island, along with one king of the [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Kingdom of Ryûkyû]] separated from the others by several centuries.

The mausoleum was established in 1261, during the reign of [[Eiso]], before Okinawa was divided into [[Sanzan period|three kingdoms]], when it was simply ruled by a network of local chieftains under the leadership of one head chieftain or "king". Eiso and two of his successors are entombed at Urasoe yôdore, in sarcophagi of a Chinese diorite stone<ref name=compact/>; statues of the [[bodhisattva]]s [[Kannon]] and [[Jizo|Jizô]] stand inside the cave<ref>Shinzato, Keiji et al. ''Okinawa-ken no rekishi'' (沖縄県の歴史, "History of Okinawa Prefecture"). Tokyo: Yamakawa Publishing, 1996. p36 (Appendix).</ref>.

More than 300 years later, King [[Sho Nei|Shô Nei]] requested to be buried at Urasoe and not in the Shô family royal mausoleum of [[Tamaudun]]. His reign had seen the [[invasion of Ryukyu]] by forces from Japan's [[Satsuma province]], and the subjugation of the kingdom to Satsuma's suzerainty, and thus it is believed that he felt he had dishonored his family and his kingdom, and was not worthy of being buried with his ancestors<ref>Kerr, George. ''Okinawa: The History of an Island People''. Revised Edition. Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing, 2000. pp165-166.</ref>.




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