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''Japanese:'' 関東 ''(Kantô), lit. "east of the check-points"''

In ancient times, Kantô referred to the part of Japan east of the ancient capital area, in particular the part beyond the three 8th-century checkpoints out of [[Omi province|Ômi province]]--the Suzuka checkpoint 鈴鹿関 in [[Ise province]], the Fuwa (Sekigahara) checkpoint 不破の関 in [[Mino province]], and the Arachi checkpoint 愛発関 in [[Echizen province]], that is, the checkpoints along the [[Tokaido|Tôkaidô]], Tôsandô 東山道 ([[Nakasendo|Nakasendô]]), and the Hokurikudô [[highways]].

Later, Kantô came to refer to the area of the large eastern plain (Kantô Plain) in which modern Tokyo is situated, and in particular the eight provinces in which the plain is situated, the provinces of [[Sagami province| Sagami]], [[Musashi province|Musashi]], [[Awa province (Honshu)|Awa]], [[Kazusa province|Kazusa]], [[Shimosa province|Shimôsa]], [[Hitachi province|Hitachi]], [[Kozuke province|Kôzuke]], and [[Shimotsuke province|Shimotsuke]].

The Kantô Plain was by far the greatest tract of agricultural land in Japan, and for a large part of the time after the [[Heian period]] rulers from the Kantô actually controlled the country. In the 10 century [[Taira no Masakado]] of Shimôsa attempted to proclaim himself "New Emperor." During the Kamakura Period ([[1185]] -[[1333]] ) the country was actually ruled from Kamakura in Sagami province. The [[Ashikaga clan|Ashikaga shoguns]] were originally from Ashikaga in Shimotsuke, though they actually ruled from Kyoto. However, they established a [[Kanto Kanrei|Kantô Kanrei]] to control the Kantô. In the 16th century the Kantô was controlled by the [[Hojo clan|Hôjô clan]] of Odawara in Sagami (the "later Hôjô"). they were destroyed by [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] in the [[Siege of Odawara]] in [[1590]], and the region was given to [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]], who established his seat in [[Edo]] in Musashi. During the Edo Period ([[1603]] -[[1867]] ) the country was governed from the shogunal seat of Edo, and in the ninth month of [[1868]], at the time of the [[Meiji Restoration]], the imperial capital was moved to Edo, which was renamed Tôkyô, "eastern capital".

*[[Kojien Dictionary]]



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