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609 bytes added ,  22:11, 10 November 2007
Copied from Bio. Dict
The Shibata of [[Echigo province]] were descended from [[Sasaki Moritsuna]], a supporter of [[Minamoto Yoritomo]] and a son of [[Sasaki Hideyoshi]] ([[1112]]-[[1184]]). They later became retainers of the [[Nagao clan|Nagao]] and served [[Uesugi Kenshin]]. They attempted to break away from the [[Uesugi clan|Uesugi]] after [[1578]] and when [[Shibata Shigeie]] died in [[1587]], the Shibata became extinct. The Shibata of Echigo were related to the [[Shibata clan (Owari)|Shibata]] of [[Owari province]], with whom they shared a common mon or a variation on it.




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