Takeda Nobuhiro, also known as Kakizaki Nobuhiro, was the ancestor of the [[Matsumae clan]], and is celebrated for his role in suppressing the 1457 [[Ainu]] [[Koshamain's Revolt|revolt of Koshamain]]. The adopted son of [[Takeda Nobukata]], ''[[shugo]]'' (Governor) of [[Wakasa province]], he was later re-adopted by [[Kakizaki Sueshige]]. Some sources say he was originally of the [[Minabe clan]]. | Takeda Nobuhiro, also known as Kakizaki Nobuhiro, was the ancestor of the [[Matsumae clan]], and is celebrated for his role in suppressing the 1457 [[Ainu]] [[Koshamain's Revolt|revolt of Koshamain]]. The adopted son of [[Takeda Nobukata]], ''[[shugo]]'' (Governor) of [[Wakasa province]], he was later re-adopted by [[Kakizaki Sueshige]]. Some sources say he was originally of the [[Minabe clan]]. |