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* ''Type: [[Kusarigamajutsu]]''
* ''Japanese:'' 一心流
* ''Founder: [[Nen Ami Jion]]''
* ''Type:'' [[Kusarigamajutsu]], [[Bojutsu]], [[Torinawajutsu]], [[Shurikenjutsu]]
* ''Era: late 1400s''
* ''Founder:'' [[Tan Isshin]]
* ''Era:'' late 1400s
Tan Isshin is considered the founder of 'Isshin Ryu', but before him is a lineage stemming from Nen Ami Jion, though the veracity of this lineage is suspect. At some point, the line broke up, and the [[bojutsu]] remained in Kyoto and the Torite remained in Numata-han. This style is most often found as an ancillary art to [[Shindo Muso Ryu]] since Shiraishi Sigeaki, who passed both onto his students.
The ''kusarigama'' of Isshin Ryu has a chain that is 1-jô 2-shaku (over 3 meters). The blade of the sickle is straight and sharpened on both sides.
*''Nen Ami Jion''<ref>念阿弥慈恩</ref>
*''Tsutsumi Hôzan?''<ref>堤宝山</ref>
*''Yoshioka Munisai?''<ref>吉岡無二斉</ref>
*''Yamada Shinryuken?''<ref>山田心竜軒</ref>
*''Yui Shôsetsu''<ref>由比正雪</ref>
*Tan Isshin<ref>丹一心</ref>
* ... (lineage unclear)
*Takaki Jirô<ref>高木仁郎</ref>
*Ashida Rinpei?<ref>芦田林平</ref>
*Morikata Ryôzaku<ref>森方両作</ref>
*Shiraishi Hanjirô Shigeaki<ref>白石範次郎重明</ref>([[Shindo Muso Ryu]])
*Watatani, Kiyoshi and Yamada, Tadashi (2003), ''Bugei Ryuha Daijiten'' (武芸流派大辞典), Tokyo Copy, Tokyo, Japan.