Yagyu Toshimune

  • Titles: Tsushima no kami
  • Japanese: 柳生 俊順 (Yagyû Toshimune)

Yagyû Toshimune was a Bakumatsu era lord of Yagyû han and swordsmanship instructor to Shogun Tokugawa Iesada.

A son of Takeda Nobuyuki, he was adopted by lord of Yagyû domain Yagyû Toshiyoshi and succeeded Toshiyoshi to become lord of Yagyû domain himself on 1850/11/5.

Serving the Tokugawa shogunate as a kôke, he was appointed on 1854/11/5 to become the shogun's personal swordsmanship instructor.


  • Ishin Shiryô Kôyô 維新史料綱要, vol 1 (1937), 282, 667.