Yagyu Hisamichi

Marker at the former site of Hisamichi's temporary lodging on Tsushima during the reception of the 1811 Korean embassy.
  • Titles: Shuzen no shô
  • Japanese: 柳生 久通 (Yagyuu Hisamichi)

Yagyû Hisamichi was a Tokugawa shogunate official who played a role in receiving the 1811 Korean embassy to Japan on Tsushima. He held the position of Kanjô bugyô at the time.[1]


  • Historical marker at former site of Hisamichi's lodgings.[1]
  1. Suzuki Yasuko 鈴木康子, "Jûhasseiki kôki - Jûkyû seiki shoki no Nagasaki to Kanjôsho - Matsuyama Sôemon (Iyo no kami) Naoyoshi o chûshin toshite" 「一八世紀後期―一九世紀初期の長崎と勘定所 ―松山惣右衛門(伊予守)直義を中心として―」, Nagasakigaku 長崎学 3 (2019), 12.