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[[Hachisuka Yoshishige]] was the first [[Edo period]] lord of Tokushima, being restored in his family's domain by [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]]. The family had been officially enfeoffed in Tokushima in [[1585]] by [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]], with an official ''kokudaka'' of 181,000, but had later lost the domain to [[Toyotomi Hideyori]]. Following the Hachisuka's loyal service to the Tokugawa in the [[battle of Sekigahara]] and the [[1615]] [[Osaka Campaign]], Yoshishige was also given [[Awaji Island]] as part of his domain, raising his total ''omotedaka'' to 250,000.
[[Hachisuka Yoshishige]] was the first [[Edo period]] lord of Tokushima, being restored in his family's domain by [[Tokugawa Ieyasu]]. The family had been officially enfeoffed in Tokushima in [[1585]] by [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]], with an official ''kokudaka'' of 181,000, but had later lost the domain to [[Toyotomi Hideyori]]. Following the Hachisuka's loyal service to the Tokugawa in the [[battle of Sekigahara]] and the [[1615]] [[Osaka Campaign]], Yoshishige was also given [[Awaji Island]] as part of his domain, raising his total ''omotedaka'' to 250,000.
During the reign of the third lord of Tokushima, [[Hachisuka Tadateru]], misconduct on the part of one of the ''[[karo|karô]]'' led to a [[O-Ie Sodo|succession dispute]] known as the [[Amabe Dispute]]; another incident known as the [[Inada Dispute]] occurred in the [[Bakumatsu period]], throwing the governance of the domain into chaos.  
During the reign of the second lord of Tokushima, [[Hachisuka Tadateru]], misconduct on the part of one of the ''[[karo|karô]]'' led to a [[O-Ie Sodo|succession dispute]] known as the [[Amabe Dispute]]. Political tensions came to a head again in the 1750s-60s, as [[Hachisuka Shigeyoshi]], the tenth ''daimyô'' of the domain, clashed with ''karô'' and ''[[churo|chûrô]]'' officials. His attempts to break the power of a controlling cabal of ''karô'' were briefly successful, but ultimately led to the shogunate ordering his resignation in [[1769]]. The ''karô'' cabal, led by the [[Inada clan|Inada]], Kashima, Yamada, Hasegawa, and Ikeda families, regained power for a time, as Shigeyoshi's successor, [[Hachisuka Haruaki]], was a minor. However, some years after reaching his majority, in [[1790]], Haruaki dismissed [[Hasegawa Omi|Hasegawa Ômi]] and his allies from their positions, and attempted to reclaim greater personal power in the hands of the ''daimyô'', framing this as a return to the times of the first three lords of Tokushima, Hachisuka Yoshishige, [[Hachisuka Tadateru|Tadateru]], and [[Hachisuka Mitsutaka|Mitsutaka]].<ref name=rav181>Ravina, 181.</ref>
Another incident known as the [[Inada Dispute]] occurred in the [[Bakumatsu period]], throwing the governance of the domain into chaos.  
==Demography & Economics==
==Demography & Economics==
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By this time, indigo had become a major enough part of the agricultural product of the land that many farmers were paying their ''[[nengu]]'' (annual taxes) in indigo. Though the domain government had not explicitly aimed to make indigo a significant portion of its fisc, indigo had come to occupy that position in the domain economy on its own. The return to free trade in 1731 was followed in 1733 by the establishment of an indigo office (''aikata goyôjô''), which aimed to buy and sell indigo in order to help control prices, along with the implementation of a series of taxes on indigo production and commerce. The taxation system necessarily led to the establishment of various types of surveys, registers, and inspectors, to help ensure that everyone was paying the appropriate amount of taxes. This increased governmental involvement in the indigo business culminated in the establishment of a domainal indigo ''[[kabunakama]]'' (guild) in [[1754]].<ref>Ravina, 163-164.</ref>
By this time, indigo had become a major enough part of the agricultural product of the land that many farmers were paying their ''[[nengu]]'' (annual taxes) in indigo. Though the domain government had not explicitly aimed to make indigo a significant portion of its fisc, indigo had come to occupy that position in the domain economy on its own. The return to free trade in 1731 was followed in 1733 by the establishment of an indigo office (''aikata goyôjô''), which aimed to buy and sell indigo in order to help control prices, along with the implementation of a series of taxes on indigo production and commerce. The taxation system necessarily led to the establishment of various types of surveys, registers, and inspectors, to help ensure that everyone was paying the appropriate amount of taxes. This increased governmental involvement in the indigo business culminated in the establishment of a domainal indigo ''[[kabunakama]]'' (guild) in [[1754]].<ref>Ravina, 163-164.</ref>
The ''kabunakama'' met with considerable popular opposition, and peasant uprisings cropped up across the domain. The domain was initially reluctant to give in to the peasants' demands, fearing that showing protest to be effective would only encourage further protests. However, in the end, by [[1760]], the domain made a number of changes to policy, abolishing the ''kabunakama'', the indigo office, and the 4% tax.
The ''kabunakama'' met with considerable popular opposition, and peasant uprisings cropped up across the domain. The domain was initially reluctant to give in to the peasants' demands, fearing that showing protest to be effective would only encourage further protests. However, in the end, by [[1760]], the domain made a number of changes to policy, abolishing the ''kabunakama'', the indigo office, and the 4% tax.<ref>Ravina, 167.</ref>
The domain thus returned to a system of "free trade," meaning lessened governmental involvement. But, this approach too brought challenges, as Osaka merchant cartels exerted their power as consumers over the market, in order to drive prices down. The domain fought back in the 1760s, instituting a short-lived system in which indigo cubes could no longer be exported to the Osaka merchants, and direct sales to dyers could only take place with already established customers, and only at levels authorized by the domain’s indigo office. The domain, further, replaced the Osaka merchants as a source of credit, lending Tokushima merchants money at lower interest rates, and working not to fix prices as domainal offices did in many other domains, but rather to ''prevent'' price fixing. This did succeed in raising the prices, and in driving out the overly controlling influence of the Osaka cartels. However, the cartels filed a suit with the shogunate, and after a lengthy and complicated set of legal proceedings, the shogunate ordered the new system eliminated, arguing that it was not in line with precedent.<ref>Ravina, 168-173.</ref>
The domain government, led by ''karô'' Hasegawa Ômi, feigned compliance, continuing the new policies under different names, and in slightly changed forms, comfortable in the knowledge that the shogunate would not send inspectors into the domain, or otherwise watch too closely. This succeeded for a while, but eventually, in the 1780s, Osaka merchants began to take issue once again with their lack of involvement in the indigo trade. The Tokushima system essentially forced ''nakagai'' (merchant middlemen, such as those based in Osaka) to travel to Tokushima to purchase indigo, since it was not being exported directly to them. In the late 1780s, the Osaka merchants complained once again to the shogunate, and by 1790, the shogunate once again demanded an end to the Tokushima domainal government’s interference in the indigo trade.<ref>Ravina, 175.</ref>
''Daimyô'' Hachisuka Haruaki then worked to compete against the power of the Osaka cartels by establishing his own rival cartels. In addition to the establishment of a fertilizer tonya in 1799 and other efforts, in the early years of the 1800s he arranged, through his Edo and Osaka rusuiyaku, to have a select set of designated merchants in each city who would handle Awa indigo. He also worked to promote local products other than indigo, including [[paper]], [[salt]], [[tobacco]], [[sugar]], and [[tea]]. The Osaka merchants got upset yet again, and launched a suit, yet again; the domain responded by doubling down on its controlling policies. Since the shogunate was reluctant to get involved in complex commercial issues between too many different parties, and since Tokushima was able to engineer to its own benefit the outcomes of any compromises between the multiple parties (multiple different factions of Osaka merchants, dyers, etc.), the lawsuit ultimately collapsed, by [[1807]].<ref name=rav181/>
The domain faced challenges with this approach, however, as Osaka merchants formed cartels in the mid-1700s to exert their power as consumers over the market, in order to drive prices down. The domain fought back in the 1760s, instituting a short-lived system in which Osaka merchants had to bid against one another to buy Tokushima indigo; this did succeed in raising the prices, but was shut down by the shogunate before long. The domain then responded by upping its use of cartels of suppliers, in order to combat the power of the Osaka merchants' purchasing cartels.<ref>Ravina, 198-199.</ref> [[Salt]] and [[tobacco]] were also significant products of the domain.<ref>Ravina, 158.</ref>
In [[1813]], the domain then proposed the establishment of a new domain warehouse, through which all Awa indigo sent to Osaka would flow. In a letter to the ''[[roju|rôjû]]'' [[Makino Tadakiyo]], Haruaki defended this new system by claiming it to be in accordance with precedent, representing his opponents (the Osaka merchants) as merely litigious and greedy, and was successful in getting his new system approved.<ref name=rav183>Ravina, 183-184.</ref>
By [[1831]], the domain had considerably expanded its operations, and controlled guilds in provinces throughout Japan, from [[Iyo province|Iyo]] and [[Aki province|Aki]] to [[Mutsu province|Mutsu]], to [[Kyoto]], [[Ise province|Ise]], and [[Owari province|Owari]], exerting considerable control over its own distribution networks.<ref name=rav183/>
==Bakumatsu & Meiji==
==Bakumatsu & Meiji==
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==Lords of Tokushima==
#[[Hachisuka Yoshishige]]
#[[Hachisuka Tadateru]]
#[[Hachisuka Mitsutaka]]
#[[Hachisuka Tsunanori]]
#[[Hachisuka Yoshihisa]] (d. [[1754]])
#[[Hachisuka Shigeyoshi]] (r. 1754-[[1769]])
#[[Hachisuka Haruaki]] (r. 1769- )


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