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Twelve Korean embassies visited [[Edo period]] Japan between [[1607]] to [[1811]]. These were perceived as [[tribute]] missions by the [[Tokugawa bakufu]], and paralleled [[Ryukyuan embassies]] sent by the [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Kingdom of Ryûkyû]].
Twelve Korean embassies visited [[Edo period]] Japan between [[1607]] to [[1811]]. These were perceived as [[tribute]] missions by the [[Tokugawa bakufu]], and paralleled [[Ryukyuan embassies]] sent by the [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Kingdom of Ryûkyû]].
The first several missions, in [[1605]], [[1607]], [[1617]], and [[1624]], are generally counted separately from the ''tsûshinshi'' ("diplomatic embassies"), as these missions focused on the repatriation of captives (from the 1590s wars), and for the negotiation of the resumption of relations. It was only from [[1636]] onwards, according to many interpretations, that formal relations were established and were being performed.<ref>Marco Tinello, "The termination of the Ryukyuan embassies to Edo : an investigation of the bakumatsu period through the lens of a tripartite power relationship and its world," PhD thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2014), 38-39.</ref>
The first several missions, in [[1605]], [[1607]], [[1617]], and [[1624]], are generally counted separately from the ''tsûshinshi'' ("diplomatic embassies"),<ref>Though ''tsûshin'' 通信 is often translated as "diplomatic" or "formal relations" in contrast to the "trade relations" (通商, ''tsûshô'') maintained by the Tokugawa shogunate with Chinese and Dutch merchants, the term ''tsûshinshi'' might be more literally translated as "embassies conveying sincerity" or "trust." To at least some extent, at least nominally, these Korean embassies were said to be a demonstration of continued relations of mutual trust between the Joseon and Tokugawa courts. Aoyanagi Shûichi 青柳周一, "Ikoku no shisetsu, Ômi no kuni wo tôru - Ryûkyû shisetsu to Chôsen tsûshinshi" 異国の使節、近江国を通るー琉球使節と朝鮮通信使, talk given at Kusatsu rekishi hakken juku くさつ・歴史発見塾, 2 March 2019.</ref> as these missions focused on the repatriation of captives (from the 1590s wars), and for the negotiation of the resumption of relations. It was only from [[1636]] onwards, according to many interpretations, that formal relations were established and were being performed.<ref>Marco Tinello, "The termination of the Ryukyuan embassies to Edo : an investigation of the bakumatsu period through the lens of a tripartite power relationship and its world," PhD thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (2014), 38-39.</ref>
Unlike the shogunate's relationship with Ryûkyû, which was seen as a vassal to [[Satsuma han]], however, the shogunate regarded [[Joseon Dynasty]] Korea as an equal, at least nominally, in certain respects. In practice, while the two countries spoke of one another as equals in certain contexts, in other respects they actively looked down upon one another, with the shogunate seeing these Korean embassies as "tribute" missions, and the Korean court seeing the [[So clan|Sô clan]] of [[Tsushima han]], who facilitated such relations, as their vassals. The Korean court is said to have seen these missions to [[Edo]] as "inspection tours," in which Korean envoys kept an eye out to ensure the Japanese were not planning or preparing for another invasion of Korea, as they had done under [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] in [[Korean Invasions|the 1590s]].<ref name=mitani7>Mitani Hiroshi, David Noble (trans.), ''Escape from Impasse'', International House of Japan (2006), 7-8.</ref>
Unlike the shogunate's relationship with Ryûkyû, which was seen as a vassal to [[Satsuma han]], however, the shogunate regarded [[Joseon Dynasty]] Korea as an equal, at least nominally, in certain respects. In practice, while the two countries spoke of one another as equals in certain contexts, in other respects they actively looked down upon one another, with the shogunate seeing these Korean embassies as "tribute" missions, and the Korean court seeing the [[So clan|Sô clan]] of [[Tsushima han]], who facilitated such relations, as their vassals. The Korean court is said to have seen these missions to [[Edo]] as "inspection tours," in which Korean envoys kept an eye out to ensure the Japanese were not planning or preparing for another invasion of Korea, as they had done under [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] in [[Korean Invasions|the 1590s]].<ref name=mitani7>Mitani Hiroshi, David Noble (trans.), ''Escape from Impasse'', International House of Japan (2006), 7-8.</ref>
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*1682 - A mission travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Tsunayoshi]] on becoming shogun. It is led by [[Yun Chiwan]] (尹趾完, [[1635]]-[[1718]]), with [[Yi Ongang|Yi Ŏn'gang]] (李彦綱, [[1648]]-[[1716]]) as vice-ambassador, and [[Pak Kyongsun|Pak Kyŏngsun]] (朴慶俊) as secretary.<ref>Toby, "Carnival of the Aliens," 437.</ref> The embassy consists of 363 men who travel to Edo, and another 112 who remain in Osaka with the embassy's ships. They are accompanied by perhaps fifty archers, fifty gunmen, fifty lancers, and 1,700 ashigaru, as well as by numerous porters.<ref>Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', Brill (2019), 158.</ref>
*1682 - A mission travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Tsunayoshi]] on becoming shogun. It is led by [[Yun Chiwan]] (尹趾完, [[1635]]-[[1718]]), with [[Yi Ongang|Yi Ŏn'gang]] (李彦綱, [[1648]]-[[1716]]) as vice-ambassador, and [[Pak Kyongsun|Pak Kyŏngsun]] (朴慶俊) as secretary.<ref>Toby, "Carnival of the Aliens," 437.</ref> The embassy consists of 363 men who travel to Edo, and another 112 who remain in Osaka with the embassy's ships. They are accompanied by perhaps fifty archers, fifty gunmen, fifty lancers, and 1,700 ashigaru, as well as by numerous porters.<ref>Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', Brill (2019), 158.</ref>
*1711 - A mission travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Ienobu]] on becoming shogun. Led by [[Jo Tae-eok]] ([[1675]]-[[1728]]), [[Im Sugan]] ([[1665]]-[[1721]]), and [[Lee Bang-eon]],<ref>Gallery labels, National Museum of Korea.[]</ref> it consists of 569 Koreans, of whom 371 traveled all the way to Edo, plus whatever number of Tsushima officials, porters, etc.<ref>Dusinberre, 23.; Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', 158.</ref> The mission is the only one to have four interpreters, while most have three, and some only one or two. The interpreters on this mission were Ch'oe Sangjip (崔尚山+集),<ref>The last character of this figure's name combines the two characters 山+集, but is non-standard.</ref> Yi Sŏngnin (李碩麟), Yi Sŏngnyŏn (李松年), and Kim Sinam (金始南).<ref name=toby433>Toby, "Carnival of the Aliens," 433.</ref> Due to some disagreements regarding the Korean king's letter to the Shogun, the Korean envoys end up leaving [[Edo castle]] without a formal reply letter from the Shogun in return.<ref>Tashiro Kazui, "Chôsen tsûshinshi gyôretsu emaki no kenkyû," ''Chôsen gakuhô'' 137 (1990), 29-30.</ref>
*1711 - A mission travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Ienobu]] on becoming shogun. Led by [[Jo Tae-eok]] ([[1675]]-[[1728]]), [[Im Sugan]] ([[1665]]-[[1721]]), and [[Lee Bang-eon]],<ref>Gallery labels, National Museum of Korea.[]</ref> it consists of 569 Koreans, of whom 371 traveled all the way to Edo, plus whatever number of Tsushima officials, porters, etc.<ref>Dusinberre, 23.; Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', 158.</ref> The mission is the only one to have four interpreters, while most have three, and some only one or two. The interpreters on this mission were Ch'oe Sangjip (崔尚山+集),<ref>The last character of this figure's name combines the two characters 山+集, but is non-standard.</ref> Yi Sŏngnin (李碩麟), Yi Sŏngnyŏn (李松年), and Kim Sinam (金始南).<ref name=toby433>Toby, "Carnival of the Aliens," 433.</ref> Due to some disagreements regarding the Korean king's letter to the Shogun, the Korean envoys end up leaving [[Edo castle]] without a formal reply letter from the Shogun in return.<ref>Tashiro Kazui, "Chôsen tsûshinshi gyôretsu emaki no kenkyû," ''Chôsen gakuhô'' 137 (1990), 29-30.</ref>
*1719 - A mission led by Lead Envoy Hong Ch'ijung, Vice Envoy Hwang Sŏn, and Secretary Yi Myŏng'ŏn, travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Yoshimune]] on , staying at [[Honno-ji|Honnô-ji]] in Kyoto for one night on their way, and several more nights on their way back. The mission includes three interpreters: Pak Chaech'ang (朴再昌), Han Huyŏn (韓後瑗), and Kim T'onam (金圖南).<ref name=toby433/><ref name=hur1719/> The ''chesulgwan'' (製述官, chief composer of documents) on the mission, [[Sin Yu-Han]], composes the ''[[Haeyurok]]'', perhaps one of the most extensive travel diaries of a Korean official in Tokugawa Japan extant.
*1719 - A mission led by Lead Envoy Hong Ch'ijung, Vice Envoy Hwang Sŏn, and Secretary Yi Myŏng'ŏn, travels to Edo to congratulate [[Tokugawa Yoshimune]] on becoming shogun. It consists of 475 people.<ref name=timeline/> The embassy stays at [[Honno-ji|Honnô-ji]] in Kyoto for one night on its way to Edo, and several more nights on the way back. The mission includes three interpreters: Pak Chaech'ang (朴再昌), Han Huyŏn (韓後瑗), and Kim T'onam (金圖南).<ref name=toby433/><ref name=hur1719/> The ''chesulgwan'' (製述官, chief composer of documents) on the mission, [[Sin Yu-Han]], composes the ''[[Haeyurok]]'', perhaps one of the most extensive travel diaries of a Korean official in Tokugawa Japan extant.
*1748 - A mission travels to Edo. It consists of 392 men who journey to Edo and another 82 who remain with the ships in Osaka.<ref>Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', 169.</ref>
*1748 - A mission travels to Edo, led by [[Hong Gye-hui]] (洪啓禧), to congratulate [[Tokugawa Ieshige]] on becoming shogun.<ref name=timeline/> It consists of 392 men who journey to Edo and another 82 who remain with the ships in Osaka.<ref>Toby, ''Engaging the Other'', 169.</ref>
*1764 - A Korean mission travels to Edo for the last time during the Tokugawa period. The mission consists of 498 people, and their total journey takes 382 days.
*1764 - A Korean mission travels to Edo for the last time during the Tokugawa period. The embassy, led by [[Jo Eom]] (趙曮), is sent to congratulate [[Tokugawa Ieharu]] on becoming shogun.<ref name=timeline/> [[Nam Chuwol|Nam Ch'uwŏl]] serves as secretary (''chesulgwan'').<ref>Rebeckah Clements, “BRUSH TALK AS THE ‘LINGUA FRANCA’ OF DIPLOMACY IN JAPANESE–KOREAN ENCOUNTERS, c. 1600-1868,” The Historical Journal, 62:2 (2019), pp. 289-309: 297.</ref> The mission consists of 498 people, and their total journey takes 382 days.
*1809 - Korean envoys in Tsushima are informed that the next mission would only be expected to come as far as Tsushima, and not to go to Edo.
*1809 - Korean envoys in Tsushima are informed that the next mission would only be expected to come as far as Tsushima, and not to go to Edo.
*1811 - The final formal Korean mission of the Edo period meets with [[So clan|Sô clan]] officials in Tsushima, and does not travel to the Japanese "mainland," let alone to Edo. [[Ogasawara Tadakata]], lord of [[Kokura han]], serves as stand-in for the shogun.<ref>Miyake Hidetoshi 三宅英利, "Ryukyu shisetsu to Kokura han," ''Kitakyûshû daigaku bungakubu kiyô'' B series, vol. 21 (1989), 3.</ref>
*1811 - The final formal Korean mission of the Edo period is formally received by shogunate officials on Tsushima, and does not travel to the Japanese "mainland," let alone to Edo. The embassy, led by [[Kim Igyo]] (金履喬), consists of 328 people and is sent to congratulate [[Tokugawa Ienari]] on becoming shogun.<ref name=timeline/> [[Ogasawara Tadakata]], lord of [[Kokura han]], serves as stand-in for the shogun.<ref>Miyake Hidetoshi 三宅英利, "Ryukyu shisetsu to Kokura han," ''Kitakyûshû daigaku bungakubu kiyô'' B series, vol. 21 (1989), 3.</ref>
*1841 - An envoy from Tsushima travels to [[Pusan]] and requests that a mission be sent to Tsushima, but none ever is.
*1841 - An envoy from Tsushima travels to [[Pusan]] and requests that a mission be sent to Tsushima, but none ever is.
*1844 - The shogunate requests, via Tsushima, that Korea send a mission in [[1846]], but this is ultimately cancelled.
*1844 - The shogunate requests, via Tsushima, that Korea send a mission in [[1846]], but this is ultimately cancelled.
*1847 - The shogunate decides that the next Korean embassy will be received in Osaka, rather than coming all the way to Edo, and that it will be postponed until [[1856]]. This embassy also ultimately never takes place.<ref name=koyo100/>
*1847 - The shogunate decides that the next Korean embassy will be received in Osaka, rather than coming all the way to Edo, and that it will be postponed until [[1856]]. This embassy also ultimately never takes place.<ref name=koyo100/>
==Modern Revival==
In the 1970s-80s, the early modern Korean embassies to Edo came to be seen as something that could be promoted in textbooks, cultural events, and political statements as a symbol of a long history of peaceful and prosperous Korean-Japanese relations. Today, events are regularly held in locations including Pusan, Tsushima, Shimonoseki, Shimo-Kamagari, Ushimado, Kyoto, and [[Kawagoe]], reenacting elements of these events or otherwise celebrating them. A collection of documents pertaining to the embassies has been inscribed as part of the UNESCO Memory of the World.<ref>This "Memory of the World" program is separate from UNESCO [[World Heritage Sites]].</ref>
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*Anne Walthall, "Hiding the shoguns: Secrecy and the nature of political authority in Tokugawa Japan," in Bernard Scheid and Mark Teeuwen (eds.) ''The Culture of Secrecy in Japanese Religion'', Routledge (2006), 341-344.  
*Anne Walthall, "Hiding the shoguns: Secrecy and the nature of political authority in Tokugawa Japan," in Bernard Scheid and Mark Teeuwen (eds.) ''The Culture of Secrecy in Japanese Religion'', Routledge (2006), 341-344.  
*Gallery labels, Taichôrô, Fukuzen-ji, Tomonoura, Hiroshima pref.
*Gallery labels, Taichôrô, Fukuzen-ji, Tomonoura, Hiroshima pref.
*Gallery labels, Tsushima Chosen Tsushinshi Museum, Izuhara-chô, Tsushima.
[[Category:Edo Period]]
[[Category:Edo Period]]


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