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|[[Takayasu fortress]]||高安城||''Takayasu no ki<ref>As the character 「城」is used in Japanese to refer to all variety of fortresses and castles, from the most basic wooden and earthwork defenses to elaborately furnished noble residences with stone foundations, I have taken the liberty of translating the character's archaic pronunciation of ''ki'' as "fortress" and the somewhat newer readings of ''shiro'' and ''jô'' as "castle".</ref>''||667||[[Kyuan-ji|Kyûan-ji]], [[Nara Prefecture]]; [[Takayasu-yama]], [[Osaka Prefecture]]||The outer walls and water gate may have been found, but the extent of the fortress' remains, records of its history, and the area it covered have not been extensively investigated.
|[[Takayasu fortress]]||高安城||''Takayasu no ki<ref>As the character 「城」is used in Japanese to refer to all variety of fortresses and castles, from the most basic wooden and earthwork defenses to elaborately furnished noble residences with stone foundations, I have taken the liberty of translating the character's archaic pronunciation of ''ki'' as "fortress" and the somewhat newer readings of ''shiro'' and ''jô'' as "castle".</ref>''||667||[[Kyuan-ji|Kyûan-ji]], [[Nara Prefecture]]; [[Takayasu-yama]], [[Osaka Prefecture]]||The outer walls and water gate may have been found, but the extent of the fortress' remains, records of its history, and the area it covered have not been extensively investigated.
|[[Yashima fortress]]||屋嶋城||''Yashima no ki''||667||[[Takamatsu, Kagawa|Takamatsu]], [[Kagawa Prefecture]]||[[Ishigaki|Stone walls]], earthworks, water gate, remains of the lookout towers and other remains have been found, but site has not been extensively investigated. Site of the [[1185]] [[battle of Yashima]].
|[[Yashima fortress]]||屋嶋城||''Yashima no ki''||667||[[Takamatsu]], [[Kagawa Prefecture]]||[[Ishigaki|Stone walls]], earthworks, water gate, remains of the lookout towers and other remains have been found, but site has not been extensively investigated. Site of the [[1185]] [[battle of Yashima]].
|[[Nagato fortress]]||長門城||''Nagato no ki''||665||[[Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi|Shimonoseki]], [[Yamaguchi Prefecture]]||Unknown
|[[Nagato fortress]]||長門城||''Nagato no ki''||665||[[Shimonoseki]], [[Yamaguchi Prefecture]]||Unknown
|[[Ono castle|Ôno castle]]||大野城||''Ôno jô''||665||[[Dazaifu]], [[Fukuoka Prefecture]]||Earthworks, [[Ishigaki|stone walls]], water gate, and remnants of buildings remain.
|[[Ono castle|Ôno castle]]||大野城||''Ôno jô''||665||[[Dazaifu (city)|Dazaifu]], [[Fukuoka Prefecture]]||Earthworks, [[Ishigaki|stone walls]], water gate, and remnants of buildings remain.
|[[Kii castle]]||基肄城||''Kii jô''||665||[[Kiyama, Saga|Kiyama]], [[Saga Prefecture]]||Ruins remain of the castle foundations, main gates, earthworks, [[Ishigaki|stone walls]], and water gate.
|[[Kii castle]]||基肄城||''Kii jô''||665||[[Kiyama, Saga|Kiyama]], [[Saga Prefecture]]||Ruins remain of the castle foundations, main gates, earthworks, [[Ishigaki|stone walls]], and water gate.
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* [[Japanese castles in Korea]] (''wajô'', 和城)
* [[Japanese castles in Korea]] (''wajô'', 和城)
==Notes and references==
*''This article was written by [[User:LordAmeth]] and contributed to both S-A and Wikipedia; the author gives permission for his work to be used in this way.''


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