Kiinokuniya Bunzaemon

  • Born: 1669
  • Died: 1734
  • Japanese: 紀伊国屋 文左衛門 (Kiinokuniya Bunzaemon)

Kiinokuniya Bunzaemon was an Edo period merchant specializing in citrus, lumber, and salmon, among other goods. He enjoyed the favoritism and protection of shogunal advisor Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and shogunal minister of finances Ogura Shigehide, and made a sizeable fortune as a result. When these two retired, so did Kiinokuniya.


  • This article was written by User:LordAmeth and contributed to both S-A and Wikipedia; the author gives permission for his work to be used in this way.
  • Frederic, Louis (2002). "Kinokuniya Bunzaemon." Japan Encyclopedia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Sansom, George (1963). "A History of Japan: 1615-1867." Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.