
868 bytes added ,  10:41, 19 July 2020
[[File:Sarumaru.jpg|right|thumb|400px|A portrait of Sarumaru Dayû as part of a full set of portraits of the ''[[Sanjurokkasen|Sanjûrokkasen]]'' long held by the [[Tenjin|Tenmangû]] Shrine in [[Moriyama-juku|Moriyama]], [[Shiga prefecture]]]]
*''Japanese'': 猿丸太夫 ''(Sarumaru Dayuu)''

Sarumaru Dayû was a legendary poet. He is known for his poems in the ''[[Kokinshu|Kokinshû]]'' and the ''[[Hyakunin Isshu|Hyakunin Isshû]]'', and as one of the "36 Poetry Immortals" (''[[Sanjurokkasen|Sanjûrokkasen]]''). Nothing is known about his life, and there are even doubts as to whether he truly existed, or who these poems were composed by.


*Gallery labels, Nakasendô Kaidô Bunka Kôryûkan, Moriyama, Shiga.[]

[[Category:Artists and Artisans]]
[[Category:Heian Period]]
