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The ''Ishin Shiryô'' ("restoration documents") are a collection of some 4,180 volumes of historical documents held by the [[Shiryohensanjo|Shiryôhensanjo]] (Historiographical Institute) at the [[University of Tokyo]], relating to major political and court events in [[Ryukyu Kingdom|Ryûkyû]], [[Kagoshima han|Kagoshima]], [[Tsushima han|Tsushima]], [[Kyoto]], [[Mito han|Mito]], [[Ezo]], and [[Edo]]/[[Tokyo]] in the period from [[1846]] to [[1871]] - i.e. events relating to the key developments of the [[Bakumatsu period]] and [[Meiji Restoration]].
The ''Ishin Shiryô'' ("restoration documents") are a collection of some 4,180 volumes of historical documents held by the [[Shiryohensanjo|Shiryôhensanjo]] (Historiographical Institute) at the [[University of Tokyo]], relating to major political and court events in [[Ryukyu Kingdom|Ryûkyû]], [[Kagoshima han|Kagoshima]], [[Tsushima han|Tsushima]], [[Kyoto]], [[Mito han|Mito]], [[Ezo]], and [[Edo]]/[[Tokyo]] in the period from [[1846]] to [[1871]] - i.e. events relating to the key developments of the [[Bakumatsu period]] and [[Meiji Restoration]].
明治維新に関する史料の収集と編纂を目的として設置された官立組織。 1911年5月 10日,勅令 145号をもって設立されたが,前年井上馨,山県有朋らが同じ目的で設立した民間団体彰明会の後身である。井上馨,次いで金子堅太郎が総裁となり,事務局を文部省内におき,当初 15年の予定であったが,42年5月8日,官制廃止まで存続し,その事務は大臣官房,社会教育局,教科書局を経て,49年4月,東京大学史料編纂所に引継がれた。『維新史料綱要』 (10冊,1846~71の綱文および引用史料名を収載) ,『大日本維新史料』 (19冊) その他を刊行したが,その稿本は 4180冊に達した。第2次世界大戦中,国体明徴の趣旨から『維新史』 (5巻,付録1巻) その他を刊行したこともある
[[Inoue Kaoru]], [[Yamagata Aritomo]], and others formed a group in [[1910]] aimed at organizing and compiling such documents. However, the following year, on May 10, [[1911]], imperial order #145 officially created a second such group. The two were quickly merged, and placed within the [[Ministry of Education]], with Kaneko Kentarô as the new president.
Though the project was initially expected to take fifteen years, it was finally declared complete on May 8, 1942, continuing as an official government project up until then. In addition to organizing and compiling the documents themselves, the ''Ishin Shiryô Hensankai'' (roughly, "Ishin documents compilation association") also published a ten-volume ''Ishin Shiryô Kôyô'' 維新史料綱要, listing brief summaries of the key events shown in the documents, chronologically day-by-day.
From April 1949, the project was moved to the Shiryôhensanjo. Most if not all of the documents have today been digitized and are available on the Shiryôhensanjo's online databases; more than 19 volumes of documents have also been published in print form.
*"[ Ishin shiryô hensankai]," ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典.
[[Category:Meiji Period]]
[[Category:Historical Documents]]
