
781 bytes added ,  14:21, 9 April 2014
[[File:Hakuole and Kapena.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Isaac (middle, standing) and his younger brother James (middle,seated), along with Hawaiian Ambassador to Japan [[John Kapena]] (seated, right), in San Francisco, as they prepare to depart for Japan, 1882.]]

Isaac and James Haku'ole Harbottle were the first Native Hawaiians to visit Japan. Brothers, they journeyed to Japan in [[1882]], the year after [[Kalakaua|King Kalakaua's]] meeting with the [[Meiji Emperor]], and studied Japanese language in Tokyo. After returning to Hawaii, the brothers established worker assistance programs for Japanese immigrants to the islands.


*Matt Matsuda, ''Pacific Worlds'', Cambridge University Press (2012), 246-247.

[[Category:Meiji Period]]
