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The [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Kingdom of Ryûkyû]] is often misrepresented as pacifistic, or lacking in weapons or soldiers. In fact, the kingdom grew out of the fractious and violent [[gusuku period]] of Ryukyuan history, in which the [[Okinawa Island|island of Okinawa]] became covered with numerous stone fortresses called ''[[gusuku]]''; the myriad regional warlords, called ''[[anji]]'', who ruled from these fortresses, were eventually defeated and subsumed into three kingdoms, called [[Hokuzan]], [[Nanzan]], and [[Chuzan|Chûzan]]. At the beginning of the 15th century, [[Sho Hashi|Shô Hashi]], a lord from Chûzan, led violent campaigns and conquered the other two kingdoms, uniting the island and establishing the Ryûkyû Kingdom in [[1429]]. Over the next 180 years or so, the kingdom expanded, launching military campaigns against other islands in the [[Ryukyu Islands|Ryûkyû archipelago]], often meeting stiff local resistance, and occasionally clashing with samurai forces from [[Satsuma province]]. The kingdom was [[Invasion of Ryukyu|invaded]] by forces from Satsuma in [[1609]], and subjugated to Satsuma's suzerainty, marking the end of its active military exploits.

==Early Military==
A [[1462]] account by a group of shipwrecked Koreans provides insights into the organization of the Ryukyuan military at that time. Conscripts served for a year at a time, with new soldiers being conscripted once a year. A member of the royal family was charged with overseeing each new group of recruits. Military forces were organized into groups of 100 men; several such groups guarded [[Shuri castle]], working in five-day rotations. When the king left the castle, a group of 300 mounted warriors accompanied him.

==Shô Shin and Shô Nei==
Those who speak of the Okinawans being inherently a peaceful people, or having a great history of pacifism, often trace this back to King [[Shô Shin]] (r. [[1477]]-[[1526]]), claiming that he seized all the weapons in the island, ushering in a culture of pacifism, and sparking the development of the art of [[karate]]. This is a misinterpretation, however, of Shô Shin's consolidation of the military, and of the political power on the island. He did indeed remove military power from the hands of the regional ''anji'', but he did not destroy the kingdom's weapons or its military power; he merely consolidated it under the control of the royal central government, in order to strengthen the kingdom and weaken the possibility of uprisings or rebellions. Shô Shin mandated the ''anji'' to reside in [[Shuri]], the royal capital, transforming them from a landed class of regional lords, each with their own powerbase, into an aristocrat-courtier / bureaucrat class more concerned with affairs of state and court intrigues. He then assigned officials loyal to the central government to govern each district, or ''[[magiri]]'', eliminating the ''anji gun'' (lords' armies) and replacing them with ''magiri gun'' (district armies).

Shô Shin also introduced a system of military organization known as ''hiki'', organized not around groups of similar units, e.g. with separate cavalry units and infantry units, but rather conceptually quite similar to the crew of a ship. Historian [[Takara Kurayoshi]] has characterized the ''hiki'' as "ships on land," and Ryukyuan ships as "floating ''hiki''." Each ''hiki'' incorporated all the personnel necessary to work as an independent unit (just as the crew of a ship would), from a captain (''sedo'', O: ''shiidu'')<ref>A term etymologically related to the Japanese ''sentô'' 船頭, for "boatman" or "captain."</ref> down to infantry and porters (the "sailors"). Below the ''sedo'' were ranks or posts known as ''chikunodono'', ''satunushibe''<!--里主部-->, and ''keraiakukabe''<!--家来赤頭-->, in descending order of importance/power.

Each ''hiki'' had a name ending in ''-tomi'', the same ending applied to the names of Ryukyuan ships (akin to the Japanese ''-maru''). The ''hiki'' served not only a strictly military role, but served police functions, as well as administrative functions. All Ryukyuan trading ships bore warriors beginning in [[1421]]; after the development of the ''hiki'', this role too was played by the ''hiki''.

There were twelve ''hiki'', organized into three groups of four, known as a "watch", or a ''ban'', each named after a day in the zodiac cycle. They were the "Watch of the Day of the Rooster" (J: ''torinohi no ban''), "Watch of the Day of the Ox" (''ushinohi no ban''), and "Watch of the Day of the Snake" (''minohi no ban''). The three watches were chiefly responsible for the defenses of [[Shuri castle]], the city of [[Naha]] and the northern part of the port of Naha, and the southern part of the port.<ref>The defense of the northern part of the port was grouped in with the defense of the city as a single jurisdiction or area of responsibility; one ''ban'' would handle both of these at any given time, while a different ''ban'' would oversee the defense of the southern part of the port, alongside ''magiri gun'' (district forces) from south of the capital.</ref> The heads of the three ''ban'', known as the ''yoasutabe'', or ''sanshikan'', are believed to have possibly evolved into the [[Sanshikan]] ("Council of Three") which came to be the top set of royal advisors, the most powerful government officials in the kingdom's bureaucracy, below the king himself.

Shô Shin also established a storehouse at [[Urasoe]] to store weapons, so that in a time of need they would not need to be gathered from more distant regions; a monument erected in [[1509]] speaks of this event, and misinterpretations of this action are among the key sources of the myth that Shô Shin confiscated all weapons to shut them away, not to be used.

He also saw to the expansion of the defenses of Shuri castle, specifically in closing up the northern wall of the castle compound, constructing a military road better linking Shuri and Naha, and creating a new military post, the ''[[boraagumi bugyo|boraagumi bugyô]]'', responsible for overseeing artillery technology and use. A series of fortresses were established around the Naha/Shuri area, including [[Yarazamori gusuku]] and [[Mie gusuku]] guarding the entrance to the harbor, [[Io gusuku|Iô gusuku]] which stored weapons and other supplies for the ''hiki'', and [[Tomigusuku gusuku]], a military commander center. A military road called "Pearl Road" (''shinju-michi'') connected these fortresses to the castle.

The total size of the Ryukyuan military, especially when outposts on outer islands are considered, is unknown. However, during the 1609 invasion, when Satsuma forces began to approach Shuri/Naha, the area immediately around the capital was able to quickly mobilize at least two main groups of warriors - one group of 1000 left Shuri to aid in the defense of [[Nakijin castle]], while another 3000 men are said to have defended the harbor. Meanwhile, various fortresses across the island (and beyond), including Nakijin and [[Urasoe castle]], had their own defenders, of unknown numbers.

Ryukyuan warriors in the late 15th to early 17th centuries were armed with [[firearms in Ryukyu|firearms]] called ''hiyaa'' (lit. "fire-arrow"), obtained from China or made in Okinawa based on Chinese models, including not only handheld firearms, but also cannon and artillery (using 5-7cm shot) mounted at the fortresses or other emplacements. These Chinese-style firearms had been in use in Ryûkyû since at least 100 years before firearms were adopted in Japan, but in the end (in 1609), the European-style firearms, or ''[[teppo|teppô]]'', employed by the Japanese were far more advanced. The Ryukyuan warriors also used a variety of melee weapons obtained from China, Japan, or elsewhere, or produced locally, including Ryukyuan styles of swords and bows. Ryûkyû is said to have been a rather active entrepot at times for the trade in weapons, supplying [[Japanese swords]] to [[Ming Dynasty]] China; Ryûkyû kept many Japanese blades as well, refitting their hilts so that they could more easily be wielded one-handed.

==After 1609==
Following the subordination of the kingdom to Satsuma authority, the ''hiki'' were diminished in power and importance. They remained active, however, both on land and in defending Ryukyuan ships, which were often attacked by pirates. Though some accounts mistakenly allege that Ryûkyû was essentially disarmed entirely by its Satsuma overlords (or by Shô Shin, or by the Ryukyuans' own peaceful nature), Ryukyuan official histories such as ''[[Kyuyo|Kyûyô]]'', along with other records, describe numerous occasions of Ryukyuan ships' crews successfully fighting off pirate attacks; in some of these accounts, the Ryukyuans even employ new weapons, indicating that Ryukyuan military technology continued to advance, whether simply due to provisions of weapons from Satsuma, or otherwise.

*Smits, Gregory. "[ Examining the Myth of Ryukyuan Pacifism]." ''The Asia-Pacific Journal'' 37-3-10 (September 13, 2010).

[[Category:Muromachi Period]]
