
905 bytes added ,  06:24, 21 December 2009
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*''Built: [[1335]]''
*''Type: [[Nanboku-cho|Nanboku-chô period]] Flatland castle''
*''Japanese'': 魚津城 ''(Uodzu-jou)''

Uozu castle was a fortress in [[Etchu province|Etchû province]], just south of Toyama Bay. Medieval records indicate that it was built in 1335, making it a Nanboku-chô period castle.

The castle would, in the 1570s, come under the control of the [[Uesugi clan]]; [[Shibata Katsuie]] and [[Sassa Narimasa]] led [[Oda Nobunaga]]'s forces in the [[siege of Uozu]] in [[1582]], capturing it in the 5th lunar month of that year along with nearby [[Matsukura castle]]. Sassa became lord of Uozu for a time, but when he was reassigned to [[Higo province]], Uozu came into the domain of [[Maeda Toshiie]] of [[Kaga province]].

*Terada Shôichi (ed.) ''Meijô wo aruku 2: Kanazawa-jô''. Tokyo: PHP Kenkyûsho, 2002.

[[Category:Muromachi Period]]
