
743 bytes added ,  18:51, 11 November 2007
Copied from Bio. Dict.
* ''Died: [[1574]]''
* ''Distinction: [[Oda clan (Owari)|Oda]] retainer''

Shinsuke's early history is obscure, and a possible connection to [[Wada Koremasa]] has been suggested but never proven. He first served as a chief retainer of [[Oda Nobukiyo]], a cousin of [[Oda Nobunaga]], and was present for Nobunaga's struggle to subdue all of [[Owari province]] at the expense of a rival branch of the Oda. Nobukiyo and Nobunaga feuded in [[1562]], with the former fleeing to [[Mino province]]. Shinsuke submitted to Nobunaga in the wake of this upset and became a retainer of the latter. He was killed in the fighting at [[Nagashima]] in [[Ise province]] in [[1574]].


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]
