
954 bytes added ,  02:12, 11 November 2007
Copied from Bio. Dict.
* ''Born: [[1513]]''
* ''Died: [[1585]]''
* ''Sons: [[Tachibana Muneshige]] (adopted)''
* ''Other names: Hetsugi/Hekki Akitsura, Oni Dosetsu''
* ''Distinction: [[Otomo clan|Ôtomo]] retainer''

Dosetsu was originally known as Hetsugi (Hekki/Hetsuki) Akitsura and was a powerful Ôtomo retainer. He defeated the [[Tachibana clan|Tachibana family]] and took their castle and name, afterwards becoming almost an independent power. He was known as one of the wisest of the Ôtomo retainers and is remembered in part for a letter he sent other leading Ôtomo retainers that included a condemnation of the spread of [[Christianity]] within the Ôtomo domain. He is reputed to have fought in 37 battles despite suffering some degree of paralysis on one side of his body and was known as Demon Doestsu (Oni Dosetsu). He adopted Muneshige, the son of [[Takahashi Shigetane]], as heir.


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]
