
931 bytes added ,  14:31, 7 November 2007
Copied from Bio. Dict.
* ''Died: [[1532]]''
* ''Sons: [[Miyoshi Nagayoshi]], [[Miyoshi Yukiyasu]] (Jikkyû), [[Atagi Fuyuyasu|Miyoshi (Atagi) Fuyuyasu]], [[Sogo Kazunari|Miyoshi (Sogo) Kazunari]]''
* ''Titles: Chikuzen no kami''
* ''Other Names: Miyoshi Nagamoto''

Motonaga was the eldest son of [[Miyoshi Yukinaga]] and originally a retainer of the [[Hosokawa clan|Hosokawa]]. In [[1521]] he completed work on the [[Miyoshi clan|Miyoshi]] stronghold in [[Settsu province|Settsu]] at [[Saki]], which he named the 'Mandokoro'. He acted on behalf of [[Hosokawa Harumoto]] and [[Ashikaga Yoshitsuna]] in their bid for power and lodged them in [[Sakai]]. Motonaga and Harumoto soon grew hostile towards one another, and in [[1532]], with the help of the [[Ishiyama Hongan-Ji]], Harumoto suddenly attacked Motonaga at the [[Kenpon-Ji ]] in Sakai and forced him to commit suicide.


[[Category:Samurai]][[Category:Sengoku Period]]
