
271 bytes added ,  08:53, 31 January 2007
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Roshigumi is a [[Ronin]] force which formed by the Tokugawa [[Bakufu]] to guard [[Shogun]] [[Tokugawa Iemochi]] in [[1863]].
Roshigumi was a [[Ronin]] force which formed by the Tokugawa [[Bakufu]] to guard [[Shogun]] [[Tokugawa Iemochi]] in [[1863]].
It was planned by [[Kiyokawa Hachiro]].
But Kiyokawa suddenly changed the purpose of the Roshigumi just after they arrived in [[Kyoto]].
He tried to use them for [[Sonno]] [[Joi]], then the Bakufu called them back to [[Edo]] and Kiyokawa was assassinated shortly after.
