- Author: Louis Frois (1532-1597)
- Title: History of Japan (Historia do Japõo or Historia de Japam)
- Written from 1573-1597
Part of a copy was discovered in 1895 in Lisbon; that was published several times in German, the origianal Portuguese and Japanese. The whole has been published as
Historia de Japam / Luis Frois ; edicao anotada por Jose Wicki.[Lisboa] Presidencia do Conselho de Ministros, Secretaria de Estado da Cultura, Direccao-Geral do Patrimonio Cultural, Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, 1976-1984. 5 v.
A Japanese translation is this:
フロイス〔著〕松田毅一,川崎桃太訳, 日本史, 東京,中央公論社 1977-1980. 12 volumes (Luis Frois, History of Japan, translated by Matsuda Kiichi and Kawasaki Momota)
References to the History in this Wiki are probably to the above edition, if not otherwise stated.