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The ''shichi-kyô-ochi'' (lit. "fall of seven nobles") incident was one in which seven court nobles of the anti-[[Tokugawa shogunate|shogunate]] ''[[sonno|sonnô]] [[joi|jôi]]'' ("Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians!") faction were expelled from [[Kyoto]] after being discovered plotting against the ''[[kobu gattai|kôbu gattai]]'' ("Union of Shogunate & Court").  
The ''shichi-kyô-ochi'' (lit. "fall of seven nobles") incident was one in which seven court nobles of the anti-[[Tokugawa shogunate|shogunate]] ''[[sonno|sonnô]] [[joi|jôi]]'' ("Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians!") faction were expelled from [[Kyoto]] after being discovered plotting against the ''[[kobu gattai|kôbu gattai]]'' ("Union of Shogunate & Court").  
The seven, namely [[Sanjo Sanetomi|Sanjô Sanetomi]], [[Sanjo Nishisuetomo|Sanjô Nishisuetomo]], [[Higashikuze Michitomi]], [[Mibu Motonaga]], [[Shijo Takauta|Shijô Takauta]], [[Nishikikoji Yoritomi|Nishikikôji Yoritomi]], and [[Sawa Nobuyoshi]], had previously had their plots defeated by the ''kôbu gattai'' faction on at least one prior occasion. On [[1863]]/8/18, they were banished from the Imperial capital, and made their way to [[Choshu han|Chôshû]]. Two of the places they are known to have stopped and stayed along the way are [[Tomo no ura]] (modern-day Fukuyama City, [[Hiroshima prefecture]])<ref>''Shirarezaru Ryûkyû shisetsu'' 知られざる琉球使節, Fukuyama-shi Tomonoura rekishi minzoku shiryôkan (2006), 41.</ref> and [[Mitarai]] (today part of [[Kure]] City, Hiroshima pref.).<ref>''Mitarai tsûshin'' 御手洗通信 no. 1, Dec 1996, p11.</ref>
The seven, namely [[Sanjo Sanetomi|Sanjô Sanetomi]], [[Sanjonishi Suetomo|Sanjônishi Suetomo]], [[Higashikuze Michitomi]], [[Mibu Motonaga]], [[Shijo Takauta|Shijô Takauta]], [[Nishikikoji Yoritomi|Nishikikôji Yoritomi]], and [[Sawa Nobuyoshi]], had previously had their plots defeated by the ''kôbu gattai'' faction on at least one prior occasion. On [[1863]]/8/18, they were banished from the Imperial capital, and made their way to [[Choshu han|Chôshû]]. Two of the places they are known to have stopped and stayed along the way are [[Tomo no ura]] (modern-day Fukuyama City, [[Hiroshima prefecture]])<ref>''Shirarezaru Ryûkyû shisetsu'' 知られざる琉球使節, Fukuyama-shi Tomonoura rekishi minzoku shiryôkan (2006), 41.</ref> and [[Mitarai]] (today part of [[Kure]] City, Hiroshima pref.).<ref>''Mitarai tsûshin'' 御手洗通信 no. 1, Dec 1996, p11.</ref>


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