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Three years later ([[1575]]) he commanded an arquebus (musket)  rank at the [[Battle of Nagashino]] [see [[Takeda Katsuyori]]]. His finest moment came in the [[Komaki Campaign]] ([[1584]]). Left with at Komaki while Ieyasu departed to engage [[Toyotomi clan|Toyotomi]] troops at [[Battle of Nagakute|Nagakute]], Tadakatsu observed a huge host under Hideyoshi himself move out in pursuit. With a handful of men, Tadakatsu rode out and challenged the Toyotomi army from the opposite bank of the Shonai River. [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] (who outnumbered Honda perhaps 50 or 60 to 1) was said to have been struck by the bravery of this warrior, and ordered that no harm come to him, his men, or [[Ishikawa Yasumichi]], who accompanied him on this bid to buy time for Ieyasu.  
Three years later ([[1575]]) he commanded an arquebus (musket)  rank at the [[Battle of Nagashino]] [see [[Takeda Katsuyori]]]. His finest moment came in the [[Komaki Campaign]] ([[1584]]). Left with at Komaki while Ieyasu departed to engage [[Toyotomi clan|Toyotomi]] troops at [[Battle of Nagakute|Nagakute]], Tadakatsu observed a huge host under Hideyoshi himself move out in pursuit. With a handful of men, Tadakatsu rode out and challenged the Toyotomi army from the opposite bank of the Shonai River. [[Toyotomi Hideyoshi]] (who outnumbered Honda perhaps 50 or 60 to 1) was said to have been struck by the bravery of this warrior, and ordered that no harm come to him, his men, or [[Ishikawa Yasumichi]], who accompanied him on this bid to buy time for Ieyasu.  
In [[1586]] Honda accompanied Ieyasu on a trip to Kyoto and was given the title Nakatsukasa-taiyu. Honda accompanied Ieyasu in the [[Siege of Odawara]] and joined him at Hideyoshi's [[Korean Invasions|Korean Invasion]] headquarters on Kyushu (Nagoya, [[1593]]-[[1594|94]]). In [[1590] he received a fief in large [[Kazusa province|Kazusa]] (Otaki, 100,000 koku). Tadakatsu commanded troops at the [[Battle of Sekigahara]] ([[1600]]) and afterwards was given a rich fief in [[Izau province|Izu]] (Kuwana, 150,000 koku). He passed away in 1610, considered one of Ieyasu's most loyal retainers and perhaps his toughest general. He was easily recognizable on the battlefield by his famous helmet, which was adorned with deer antlers. He was followed in service to the Tokugawa by his sons [[Honda Tadamasa|Tadamasa]] ([[1575]]-[[1638]]) and [[Honda Tadatomo|Tadatomo]] ([[1582]]-[[1615]]) (both of whom would serve in the [[Osaka Campaigns]] ([[1614]],[[1615]]). His daughter Ina was adopted by Ieyasu as [[Sanada Komatsu|Komatsu]] and married [[Sanada Nobuyuki]].
In [[1586]] Honda accompanied Ieyasu on a trip to Kyoto and was given the title Nakatsukasa-tayû. Honda accompanied Ieyasu in the [[Siege of Odawara]] and joined him at Hideyoshi's [[Korean Invasions|Korean Invasion]] headquarters on Kyushu ([[Hizen Nagoya castle|Nagoya]], [[1593]]-[[1594|94]]). In [[1590] he received a fief in large [[Kazusa province|Kazusa]] ([[Otaki domain|Ôtaki]], 100,000 ''[[koku]]''). Tadakatsu commanded troops at the [[Battle of Sekigahara]] ([[1600]]) and afterwards was given a rich fief in [[Izu province|Izu]] ([[Kuwana domain|Kuwana]], 150,000 ''koku''). This was actually a lateral move, with Kuwana being worth only 100,000 ''koku'', but as Tadakatsu's son was allowed to keep Ôtaki domain, albeit at a reduced ''[[kokudaka]]'' of 50,000, the combined Honda holdings rose to 150,000 in total.<ref>Morgan Pitelka, ''Spectacular Accumulation'', University of Hawaii Press (2016), 81-83.</ref>
Tadakatsu passed away in 1610, considered one of Ieyasu's most loyal retainers and perhaps his toughest general. He was easily recognizable on the battlefield by his famous helmet, which was adorned with deer antlers. He was followed in service to the Tokugawa by his sons [[Honda Tadamasa|Tadamasa]] ([[1575]]-[[1638]]) and [[Honda Tadatomo|Tadatomo]] ([[1582]]-[[1615]]) (both of whom would serve in the [[Osaka Campaigns]] ([[1614]],[[1615]]). His daughter Ina was adopted by Ieyasu as [[Sanada Komatsu|Komatsu]] and married [[Sanada Nobuyuki]].
* Initial text from [] FWSeal & CEWest, 2005
* Initial text from [] FWSeal & CEWest, 2005
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