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#Yanagi no ma: Branch houses of the clans associated with the Ôhiroma, along with ''tozama daimyô'' up to 100,000 ''koku'' in rank were associated with the Yanagi-no-ma, a room decorated with paintings of willows (''yanagi'').
#Yanagi no ma: Branch houses of the clans associated with the Ôhiroma, along with ''tozama daimyô'' up to 100,000 ''koku'' in rank were associated with the Yanagi-no-ma, a room decorated with paintings of willows (''yanagi'').
#Kari no ma: ''Fudai daimyô'' of castle-holding (''shiro-mochi'' or ''shiro-nushi'') rank and above were seated in the ''kari-no-ma'', a room decorated with paintings of geese (''kari'').
#Kari no ma: ''Fudai daimyô'' of castle-holding (''shiro-mochi'' or ''shiro-nushi'') rank and above were seated in the ''kari-no-ma'', a room decorated with paintings of geese (''kari'').
#Kiku no ma: ''Fudai daimyô'' not of castle-holding rank were seated in the "chrysanthemum room," or ''kari-no-ma''. These included the [[Ooka clan|Ôoka]] of [[Nishi-Ohira han|Nishi-Ôhira]], the [[Oseki clan|Ôseki]] of [[Kurobane han]], the [[Yamaguchi clan]] of [[Ushihisa han]], and the [[Tanuma clan]] of [[Sagara han]].
#Kiku no ma: ''Fudai daimyô'' not of castle-holding rank were seated in the "chrysanthemum room," or ''kiku-no-ma''. These included the [[Ooka clan|Ôoka]] of [[Nishi-Ohira han|Nishi-Ôhira]], the [[Oseki clan|Ôseki]] of [[Kurobane han]], the [[Yamaguchi clan]] of [[Ushihisa han]], and the [[Tanuma clan]] of [[Sagara han]].


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