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*1872/9/23-27 Soejima Taneomi meets with Charles DeLong and [[Charles LeGendre]] (legal and policy advisor to the Meiji government), and is advised that since the Chinese do not exert effective (''de facto'') control over certain sections of [[Taiwan]] - those dominated by aborigines - the territory is essentially ''terra nullius'', and if Japan were to occupy the territory, under Western/modern international law, it could be rightfully Japan's.
*1872/9/23-27 Soejima Taneomi meets with Charles DeLong and [[Charles LeGendre]] (legal and policy advisor to the Meiji government), and is advised that since the Chinese do not exert effective (''de facto'') control over certain sections of [[Taiwan]] - those dominated by aborigines - the territory is essentially ''terra nullius'', and if Japan were to occupy the territory, under Western/modern international law, it could be rightfully Japan's.
*1872/10/14 Representatives of the Kingdom of Ryûkyû, led by Giwan Chôho, are informed in [[Tokyo]] of the annexation by Japan of the kingdom as [[Ryukyu han|Ryûkyû han]], and the "promotion" of King [[Sho Tai|Shô Tai]] to "Lord of Ryûkyû han" and a member of the [[kazoku|peerage]]. The envoys return to [[Okinawa]] and inform King Shô Tai of this development.
*1872/10/14 Representatives of the Kingdom of Ryûkyû, led by Giwan Chôho, are informed in [[Tokyo]] of the annexation by Japan of the kingdom as [[Ryukyu han|Ryûkyû han]], and the "promotion" of King [[Sho Tai|Shô Tai]] to "Lord of Ryûkyû han" and a member of the [[kazoku|peerage]]. The envoys return to [[Okinawa]] and inform King Shô Tai of this development.
*1872/12/2 The last day of the use of the [[Japanese calendar|lunar calendar]].
==Other Events of 1872==
==Other Events of 1872==


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