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Regions of the Ryukyus were referred to by poetic placenames using the word for "mountain." Prior to the unification of the island, Okinawa itself was divided into Hokuzan, Chûzan, and Nanzan. The distant Miyako and Ishigaki Islands were referred to as Taiheizan 太平山, Iheya and Izena, just west of Okinawa, were referred to as Yôhekizan 葉壁山, and the Kerama Islands were called Bashizan 馬歯山. - Kitahara Shûichi. ''A Journey to the Ryukyu Gusuku'' 琉球城紀行。 Naha: Miura Creative, 2003. p84.
Regions of the Ryukyus were referred to by poetic placenames using the word for "mountain." Prior to the unification of the island, Okinawa itself was divided into Hokuzan, Chûzan, and Nanzan. The distant Miyako and Ishigaki Islands were referred to as Taiheizan 太平山, Iheya and Izena, just west of Okinawa, were referred to as Yôhekizan 葉壁山, and the Kerama Islands were called Bashizan 馬歯山. - Kitahara Shûichi. ''A Journey to the Ryukyu Gusuku'' 琉球城紀行。 Naha: Miura Creative, 2003. p84.
"The magistrate offices of North and South Edo, which took turns overseeing city administration, from fire prevention and publishing activities [i.e. censorship], to the adjudication of civil suits, operated with a staff of about 500 samurai officers. Of this number, only 24 were assigned to 'patrol duties' resembling the function of a modern police officer." - Ikegami Eiko, Bonds of Civility, p307.


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