− | International Shadanhōjin Sekiryūkan branch schools (Sōsuishi-ryū Jujutsu Kai) are located in the New South Wales area of Australia under [http://www.sosuishi-ryu.org/history/au/index.htm Pat Harrington & Betty Huxley] ; the United States is led by Shadanhōjin Sekiryūkan International Director and Menkyo Kaiden, [http://www.nyseibukan.com/Sensei/sensei.html Dennis Fink] in the states of New York and Washington; The Seirenkan dōjō is led by Yoshihiko Usuki and are located in the Japanese cities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Kuwana; Seirenkan International branch schools are located in Singapore, Italy, the United Kingdom in the city of London and in the United States in Chicago, Illinois & North Carolina. The Kosonkai Dojo led by Manabu Ito has no international schools and is located solely in Tokyo, Japan. | + | International Shadanhōjin Sekiryūkan branch schools (Sōsuishi-ryū Jujutsu Kai) are located in the New South Wales area of Australia under [http://www.sosuishi-ryu.org/history/au/index.htm Pat Harrington & Betty Huxley] ; the United States is led by Shadanhōjin Sekiryūkan International Director and Menkyo Kaiden, [http://www.nyseibukan.com/Sensei/sensei.html Dennis Fink] in the states of New York and Washington; The Seirenkan dōjō is led by Yoshihiko Usuki and are located in the Japanese cities of Tōkyō, Kyoto and Kuwana; Seirenkan International branch schools are located in Singapore, the United Kingdom in the city of London and in the United States in Chicago, Illinois & North Carolina. The Kosonkai Dōjō led by Manabu Ito has no international schools and is located solely in Tōkyō, Japan. |