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Genkô 3 (元弘三年)

==Timeline of 1333==
===[[Genko War|Genkô War]]===
*Spring: [[Emperor Go-Daigo]] escapes exile on [[Oki Island]], returning to Honshû.
*1333/2 [[Kamakura shogunate|Shogunate]] forces reduce [[Akasaka castle]] and [[Yoshino]], and converge on [[Chihaya castle]], where [[Kusunoki Masashige]] leads the defense.
*1333/3/27 Forces in support of Emperor Go-Daigo converge on [[Kyoto]].
*1333/4/7 Pro-imperial forces led by [[Nitta Yoshisada]] capture [[Siege of Kamakura|Kamakura]].
*1333/4/10 [[Hojo Hidetoki|Hôjô Hidetoki]], military governor of Kyushu, is defeated by the [[Shoni clan|Shôni]] and [[Otomo clan|Ôtomo clans]].
*1333/4/22 Emperor Go-Daigo re-enters Kyoto.

==Other Events of 1333==
*[[Ashina Naonori]] builds a mansion in Wakamatsu on a site which will later become [[Aizu-Wakamatsu castle]].

===Births and Deaths===
*1333/5/22 [[Adachi Tokiaki]] and [[Hojo Takatoki|Hôjô Takatoki]] commit suicide.
*[[Noh]] playwright [[Kan'ami]] is born.

{| border="3" align="center"
|- align="center"
|width="35%"|Previous Year<br>'''[[1332]]'''
|width="35%"|Following Year<br>'''[[1334]]'''

[[Category:Kamakura Period Timeline]]
[[Category:Muromachi Period Timeline]]


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