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Shibata Katsuie / Sasa Narimasa (Oda Nobunaga) vs. Takemata, Yoshie, ect. (Uesugi Kagekatsu)

Following the death of Uesugi Kenshin in 1578, the Uesugi domain had fallen into a year-long civil war (see Ôtate no ran). Taking advantage of the Uesugi's feud, Shibata Katsuie and Sasa Narimasa, Oda Nobunaga's spearheads in the Hokuriku Region, began a drive for the borders of Echigo itself. By 1581 the Oda had taken Toyama and were entrenched in Etchû Province, which Shibata and Sasa set about clearing of both Uesugi and ikko-ikki resistance. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Uesugi Kagekatsu reinforced Uzu Castle with a number of his important retainers. In May 1582, the Oda attacked both Matsukura and Uzu Castles. After a bitter struggle, Uzu fell in the first week of June and the Uesugi presence in Etchû was all but eliminated. Yet, as fate would have it, Oda Nobunaga himself was killed by Akechi Mitsuhide just days later, and the Uesugi would be granted a reprieve.

KIA: (Uesugi) Tadanume Yasushike, Takemata Yoshitsuna, Yoshie Kagesuke, ect...