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1,138 bytes added ,  16:48, 7 November 2007
Copied from Bio. Dict.
The Môji of [[Dewa province]] were descended from [[Nakahara Chikayoshi]], a bureaucratic official for [[Minamoto Yoritomo]], and founded by his grandson [[Moji Chikafusa|Chikafusa]]. They first resided in [[Shimosa province|Shimôsa province]], but moved to the [[Moji Peninsula]] of [[Buzen province]] by Chikafusa after the mid-13th Century. They shared a common ancestor with the [[Otomo clan|Ôtomo]] of [[Bungo province]] and assisted the latter in their expansion into [[Chikuzen province|Chikuzen]] in the mid-13th century and supported the Southern Court during the [[Nambokucho Period]]. The Môji eventually came to serve the [[Ouchi clan|Ôuchi]], and were loyal followers of that house during the [[Onin War|Ônin War]] ([[1467]]-[[1477]]). The Môji became involved in a considerable amount of fighting in the early stages of the [[Sengoku Period]] due to their strategic location. One branch went on to serve the [[So clan|Sô]] family while the clan as a whole dispersed. The Môji were noted for their cultural accomplishments, especially in the field of [[tanka]] poetry.




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