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Daiei 7 (大永七年)

==Timeline of 1527==

==Other Events of 1527==
*[[Sho Sei|Shô Sei]] ascends to the throne of [[Kingdom of Ryukyu|Ryûkyû]].
*Shogun [[Ashikaga Yoshiharu]] flees Kyoto as result of conflict within the [[Hosokawa clan]].

===Births and Deaths===
*[[Akada Shigeyoshi]] is born (d. 1583).
*[[Chiba Tanetomi]] is born (d. 1579).
*[[Date Sanemoto]] is born (d. 1587).
*[[Hatakeyama Takamasa]] is born (d. 1576).
*[[Honda Hirotaka]] is born (d. 1596).
*[[Kosaka Masanobu|Kôsaka Masanobu]] is born (d. 1578).
*[[Miyoshi Yoshikata]] is born (d. 1562).
*[[Ota Gyuichi|Ôta Gyûichi]] is born (d. 1613).
*[[Saito Yoshitatsu|Saitô Yoshitatsu]] is born (d. 1561).
*[[Sakai Tadatsugu]] is born (d. 1596).
*[[Yagyu Muneyoshi|Yagyû Muneyoshi]] is born (d. 1606).
*[[Yoshie Kagesuke]] is born (d. 1582).

[[Category:Sengoku Period Timeline]]


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